Sunday Morning Bible Class - 9:30
Sunday Morning Worship -- 10:30
Wednesday Night Bible Study -- 6:30
On Wednesday nights we are studying in person, at our building, and via Zoom, at 6:30 - contact us for login details. We have Wednesday night classes for children and adults.
Home Bible Studies
If you are interested in joining one of our home Bible studies, just ask!
We also stream our Sunday and Wednesday services online, using Zoom. Contact us for login details.
The Zelienople Church of Christ strives to be known for our fellowship, friendliness and our love for each other and our community.
We are a Bible-focused congregation, placing emphasis on reading and following this holy instruction book that God has given to us. We do our best to follow God’s commands in our simple worship and in how we conduct our lives.
We are non-denominational; we enjoy the freedom that Christ has given us in deciding what we want to do as a local body of believers. Our head is Christ, not any man-made organization.
We are a simple community of people whose life, teaching, worship, service, and mission are lived out in imitation of Jesus Christ. We seek the simplicity and unity found in His earliest community of followers - the church of the New Testament. In our teaching and preaching from the Bible, you will see the relevance of Jesus Christ to everyone - all seeing what they have in common: broken people in need of a Savior. And in Christ, they find the loving community they have been longing for.

If you are ready to see an authentic, Bible-based, Christ-centered approach to living out the Christian faith, please consider contacting us or visiting our worship gatherings.
Rediscover your Christian roots.

The Zelienople Church of Christ is not part of any world or national organization. We are autonomous - we decide how to worship, and how to use our resources.
Discover church the way Christ envisioned it.

Once we become Christians, the Bible teaches that we are “added to the Church” (Acts 2:47), which is the “Body of Christ” (Eph. 1:22,23).
We, the church, are the visible representation of Christ on earth.