Have you ever been to a small, “country style” church?
Would you like to connect to God with a simple, “back-to-the-Bible” approach?
Several years ago, the TV show “Cheers” had a theme song with the catchy phrase, “You want to go where everybody knows your name.” Isn’t that what everyone wants? A safe, comforting place with a true family feel? A place you are greeted warmly by name, by people who care about you?
At the Zelienople Church of Christ, this is what we are all about. We are a small body of believers, who strive for a true family feel, while worshiping our Creator with a simple, Bible-focused approach.

A Place For You
We don’t have a Sunday morning “production.” Our worship is simple, as in the time of Jesus.
We don’t have a lot of money. But what we do have we dedicate to the glory of God.
Our church building is very modest. But we worship God with rich hearts.
We are not trendy. But we build our faith on timeless truths.
There’s a welcome place in our family for you.
We hope to see you soon.

Dave Gladman, Brian Dowler
Patrick Berger (Youth Education)
Todd Turner (Worship)
Brandon Reid (Building & Grounds)
Nathan Mayes